If you couldn't come up with some excuse to NOT see the Sex In The City movie this weekend, you my friend are a super chump! You deserve whatever hellish nightmares now run through your head after sitting through 145 minutes of pure drivel. Just think of all the better things you could have done during that 2 hrs and 25 minutes:
- Washed your car
- Slept
- Called your Grandmother (collect obviously) that you haven't talked to in month
- Seen any other movie that's ever been made
- Gouged your eyes out with cocktail umbrellas
- Hung yourself from your back skin from giant hooks in the garage
- Basically anything...
Guys, if any women out there ever belittles you for waiting in line with your friends to see Star Wars, you just point out to them how women were lined up in the streets dressed in their fanciest knock-off designer fashions and drinking their Cosmo's waiting for this piece of crap to start.
Just think about this ladies. If your beloved Sex In The City was a show about men acting the way these women do, every pro woman organization out there would be rioting in the streets, protesting how the show treats women and how the show is a horrible example to men everywhere. Shame on you, ladies. Shame on you!
And for all you ladies out there under the false impression that Sarah Jessica Parker is attractive. Check This Out.
I got out of it! I just told my wife I'm not paying 10 bucks to watch an extended episode of this lame show and she was fine with it. Whew! I love that URL: www.sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com
I feel like I'm one of the few women who has never seen a full ep of SITC. I just don't get the hoopla about it. The parts I have seen haven't been entertaining at all. I sure hope Shawn doesn't try to drag me to see it this weekend cuz I'll be the one kicking and screaming.
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