Yeah, you heard me. I said it. Blu-ray is for chumps! I'm sick of Sony's self righteous attempts to create new proprietary media just to get more money out of me.
As you may have heard, Sony won the war against HD-DVD in the most recent format war. But is anyone out there old enough to remember a little thing called BetaMax or how about the Sony Memory Stick. Sure, lets create a memory card format that only Sony supports and not allow our products to use any other standard memory formats. You know what you can do with your memory stick Sony? You can STICK it up your ass!
There is also the ill fated Sony Mini Disc of the early 90's or more recently the UMD. Sony's proprietary movie format to be used with the PSP. That little venture has worked out great for them so far.
Hey Sony, good luck recovering the billions of dollars you shelled out to pay off all the studios to switch over to your inferior product. At least HD-DVD was putting out dual format discs so I could have a sweet new hi-def copy of a movie as well as a version that plays on my old machines. Plus, I could get an HD player for under $200.
Rather than spending $30 a piece for movies I already own and at least $400 for a new player, I think I'm gonna sit this one out. I'll just keep enjoying my $30 upscaling DVD player and watch Blue-ray die a slow painful death as they realize they've priced themselves out of the market.
I love your For Chumps site! You tell it like it is, no holds barred and that's the way I like it. Yay!
You sound like my dad.
"All this new fangled internets are for Chumps!"
Welcome to your future.
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