Friday, May 9, 2008

Running (while not being chased) Is For Chumps!

Yeah, I get it you're in better shape than I am. You don't have to rub it in my face that your training for some ridiculous marathon. I don't give a crap that you can get up early in the morning with a bunch of other chumps and run 26 miles before I even start my day. You know what I did last night while you went to bed early? I went out and had a good time with my friends, and it didn't involve dehydration, vomiting or relieving myself in public just to shave a few minutes off my time. (Well, maybe on a really good night!)

The only time you'll catch me running is if I'm being chased by a large, fanged animal with a taste for human blood or a knife weilding, axe murderer who has a new found passion for chainsaws.

(Yes, the irony is he has an axe, knife, and chainsaw.)

1 comment:

Mr. DNA said...

I'm not sure it's irony. Just unexpected.

: )