I've always thought there should be a statute of limitations in regards to movie quotes. Yeah sure it's funny when a movie is still fresh and funny, but as one gets older, their internal database of movie quotes gets older and more stale.
It's nuts, I mean, we literally had to wait for people to die to get them to stop using quotes like "Well frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" and "Stella!" Things are getting out of hand and it has gotten to to point where they actually promote movies by saying it is "the most quotable movie of the year." Ugh. This brings me, of course, to the most-hated culprits:
"I'll be back"
"Alrighty then."
You are not allowed to scratch your cheek and say "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." Not allowed!
"Use the force, Luke"
"Say hello to my little friend" in your crappy, racist Cuban accent.
"A Cinderella story"
Anything from Napoleon Dynamite. This goes for everything regarding tots or being a friggin idiot. Ligers aren't funny anymore either, so don't even try.
"Bond, James Bond"--Classic chump.
And finally, the worst of them all--anything from Austin Powers. This goes for "one million dollars," "do I make you horny," "yeah, baby, yeah," and "get in my belly." Banned.
I will agree with your argument that some movie quotes need to be retired. I am so sick of some of the ones you listed here. However, I think there are some movies and quotes that never go out of style. Yes, they may age me, but I love quoting such classics as Goonies and Sandlot. You're killing me, Smalls is one of my faves. Sometimes a movie quote is the best way to express how you're feeling and to show your movie geekness at the same time.
Ok ok, I'll give you that one :P
I thought the Rockies were rockier than this... that John Denver's full of shit man!
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