To start, I admit freely, I am not a coffee drinker. Never have been and never intend to be. I previously posted about how soup is for chumps and feel much the same way about coffee as well as other hot liquids.
But, one thing I just don't understand is why we need A FRICKIN' STARBUCKS (or some other coffee shop) ON EVERY CORNER! What's so great about spending five bucks on a hot cup of burned bean juice? From what I've heard on recent news reports and from friends who are coffee drinkers you can buy a decent cup of coffee at McDonald's or 7-Eleven for 1/4th of the price. Better yet, just get it free from work like I see all the sheep at my work do every morning.
In recent taste tests performed by Consumer Reports, McDonald's was declared the winner over Starbucks as well as 3 other fast food restaurants. Which doesn't surprise me, because if the rumors are true, Starbucks overcooks (read: burns) it's beans to make its coffee stronger, which in turn allows them to use the beans longer. They say this is to help protect the environment and the poor foreign bean pickers from working so hard. I know when I'm driving to my palatial Starbucks estate in my million dollar car, the first thing I'm worried about is how Javier and his family who toiled away all day in the fields are going to make ends meet. (Read about Starbucks "not so green" practices here).
Going to Starbucks to get your Grande Half Caf cup of frothy dirt water does not make you seem trendy or happening. No, it makes you look like a jerk with too much pocket change that wants to be part of some greater coffee worshipping community. The only thing it proves to me is that you have horrible taste and dirty teeth.
I understand needing that morning pick me up. I'll have a nice cold caffeinated soda in the morning sometimes. But I'm not going to go to some bar for a $9 cola when I can get one for fifty cents out of the local vending machine.
Start saving your coffee money and maybe you can buy a clue.
(I think I'm angry today. I'm off the cola, which means I'm off the caffeine. Since I don't drink coffee I may have to invest in some NoDoz or maybe some meth.)
i think you've earned yourself a nice cold can of coke. go knock yourself out. you deserve it. it'll make u feel better. i guarantee it.
I will admit that I am addicted to coffee, especially Starbuck's fraps. The way I see it though I don't spend money foolishly on anything else, so I allow this one addiction. I also don't drink it every day. Instead, it's a little treat once or twice a week. As for the taste of coffee, I do think it's an acquired taste, one that some people never get used to. It's kind of like smoking. I think it taste like crap, but someone else may enjoy it. To each his own in my opinion.
Oh yeah, and J you seriously need some therapy. I never knew you were this angry of a guy.
D0n'7 b a h8r...
geez, Marisa's even long winded when she comments on other people's blogs.
And why don't yu allow anonymouse replies?
This isn't Toby
I'm not long winded. I just love words. Don't allow anonymous comments on my blog so I don't get freaky strangers commenting.
1. Starbucks smells good.
2. The frappuccinos are like ice cream with caffeine in it!
3. Spending lots of money on coffee is my way of sticking it to the commies.
Oh, and marisa, in case you haven't realized--jason thinks the phrase "to each his own" is for chumps.
ooh, Steve for the snap!
7-eleven coffee is the best imho, if we had Dunkin Donuts here I'd suggest that they had the best coffee. Then I'd suggest that we have a donut.
Jason it sounds like you need a cup of coffee. I get irritable too when I don't drink my morning cup.
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